Thursday, January 21, 2021

Are Massage Chairs Worth The Money?

Massage chairs offer a high level of relaxation when you want to unwind and feel pampered. Due to the investment a chair requires, though, it can leave you wondering, "Are massage chairs worth it?" There are some important things you should learn about before purchasing to avoid feeling buyer's remorse later on.

Although you can visit a professional masseuse, it might be difficult to schedule the appointments if you have a busy lifestyle. With repeat sessions, you'll also spend a lot of money over time. You'll also have to drive to and from your massage therapist, which also eats into your time.

What Makes Massage Chairs Worth The Money?

Massage chairs are an investment there's no doubt about that, so you need to consider if they are worth the money and a wise purchase. Become informed so you can make the right decision for your personal needs.

Please see below for some good reasons that the right massage chair may be worth your money.

A Massage Chair Gives You Consistency

One of the main reasons many people opt for purchasing a massage chair is because of the consistency it offers. Massage chairs deliver the same results and soothing features every time. They're mechanical, so you'll always know what to expect when it's time to sit down and relax.

If you just want the same massage every time you sit in your chair, then that's what you'll get. You also don't have to worry about the pressure of the chair being too hard or gentle since you can control these conditions in mosts models. 

With a massage therapist, you most likely won't get the same massage each time. A particular masseuse may have tired hands on the day you visit. You may also decide to change masseuses from time to time if you're not happy with a specific one.

Also, not all massage therapists may be as skilled and qualified as they should, which means the type of massage you get can vary. A therapist may not be aware of what you prefer. You may prefer firmer massages, or you might want something gentler on the muscles.

Using a massage chair can offer peace of mind because the massage you had yesterday is the same massage you'll have today and that's one of the many benefits of massage chairs. You won't have to worry about any surprises and can make minor adjustments to the chair if you prefer something slightly different.

You also won't have to worry about feeling uncomfortable asking a real person to adjust their massage technique if you don't like what they're doing. Many people are hesitant to speak up and communicate with a massage therapist out of fear of offending him or her. You can get what you want when using a massage chair with how you program it to work and operate. You can't offend a massage chair.

Massage chairs may also be necessary if you have yet to find someone near your home or office who delivers the right massage. You may have already spent quite a bit of money on several massage therapists, trying to find the right one for your specific needs. With your massage chair as your own personal "therapist," you'll get consistent and gratifying massages every time.

You Get Privacy With Your Own Massage Chair

Some people aren't comfortable with getting a massage in a new setting with a stranger, especially with the skin-to-skin contact that a massage entails. Massages can be deeply personal and require having someone's hands on you even if you just met that person only minutes before.

You may feel vulnerable and uncomfortable with the interaction due to a lack of familiarity, which can make it difficult to feel at ease.

A massage chair can be worth the money because you can enjoy getting a massage on each part of your body in the comfort of your home. You can feel more at ease, and close your eyes without feeling uncomfortable with a stranger's presence in the room.

Massage Chair and Privacy

It's important to ask yourself how much you value your privacy to determine if a massage chair is worth the investment. The goal of the chair is to help your body feel looser, more flexible and pain-free. Are massage chairs worth the money? If you value your privacy while getting a massage, they certainly are.

Potentially Improved Relief and Comfort

You may be wondering, "Should I buy a massage chair?". By investing in a quality massage chair, it can allow you to experience better relief and comfort. Instead of relying on massage rollers that you hold in your hand or basic foot massagers, you can get a better experience from a massage chair, especially an advanced one.

The design of the most chairs allow a big part of your body to get a massage to help you experience overall relief within minutes.

Potential Pain Relief

Although it may be an investment, the improvement the chair offers for your health and wellness can be worth the price to ensure you have more mobility and can participate in more activities.

Some Massage Chairs Have Memory Settings

This is kind of like being able to get the same masseuse every single time that remembers exactly what you like. Some massage chairs come with user memory settings which allows you to save your favorite massage settings. Doing this will allow you to get to your favorite massage quickly. This is a nice feature and you'll appreciate it after a long day.

Your Chair Is Always Available to You

Well, unless your electricity is out. But in all reality, if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night with an aching back or other body part, and if you have your ideal massage chair in your home, you may be able to get the relief you're looking for right in the next room.

Massage Chair
You likely have a busy schedule each day, making it hard to find the time to book an appointment with a massage therapist. You have to work around that individual's hours and appointments, and you also have to travel to their location, meaning you have to fight traffic and weather conditions. Some people may want more frequent massages but can't work this out within their schedules.

Massage chairs are always available to use. Do you fancy early morning massages, or are you more of a night owl? With your own personal massage chair, you can get your massage whenever you want. You don't have to wait several days for a massage therapist to have an opening on their schedule. You can get a massage as frequently as you prefer, at any time during the day or night, on the weekend, on a holiday—it's your chair, and it's your schedule.

You also don't have to wait too long for relief once you start experiencing pain. If you have difficulty sleeping at night and have discomfort, walk right on over to your chair to get the massage you need at that very moment. Also, how many masseuses work in the middle of the night? We're not picking on masseuses, as they definitely have their place, but we think you get our point.

Massage Chairs Have Many Useful Features

Massage chairs continue to evolve and have become quite advanced. Massage chairs have a variety of cool features to provide a high level of accommodation and comfort.

When upgrading to a higher-end model, you can take advantage of useful features that may include 3D or 4D massage rollers, zero gravity, Bluetooth speakers, and a space saving design. Each model is different so you'll need to verify the features of each model before purchasing.

The Overall Cost

You likely have a price in the back of your mind as you shop around for a massage chair, even if you have a large budget. Most decent massage chairs cost at least $2,000, with some costing more than $10,000.

Although this may still be a high price for some people, it's important to keep in mind that a massage from a therapist can get expensive quickly when you figure in the cost for the treatment, gas to get there, and your time. Depending on how often you'd like to get a massage, going to a masseuse several times during a year can quickly add up to thousands of dollars spent.

Buying a new chair may have a higher up-front cost, but it can pay for itself in the long run. You can continue to use a high-quality chair for many years and you can also share the chair with your adult family members to ensure everyone receives the health benefits it offers, as long as they don't have any pre-existing medical conditions. If they do, they'll want to get approval from their doctor before using a massage chair.

Advanced Technology

The latest and greatest chairs all have advanced technology features. Many chairs offer things like body scanning technology. With the use of pressure and optical sensors, the chairs can customize their different rollers to accommodate your shape and height. There are even different types of chairs that can prescribe for you a specific treatment after reviewing your body type.

3D rollers are great feature that can mimic the movement and feel of hands massaging your back, arms and legs.

Below is an example of how 3D massage rollers can move.

An example of 3D massage rollers movement.

Although it can be hard to replace a real person with a machine, 3D rollers have more movement of depth and don't just move from side to side or up and down like 2D rollers.

Most all modern massage chairs come with air bags that work in unison with the rollers. These air bags can perform a compression massage or promote blood circulation while stimulating different muscles in the body. They can squeeze and release different areas that you want to target.

Chair manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into advanced rollers to ensure they offer a lifelike massage that feels like human hands on different areas of the body. Minor adjustments and tweaks over the years have made the experience more realistic to make you forget you're sitting in a mechanical chair.

The comfort and relief you experience could also allow you to avoid visiting the chiropractor as frequently for added savings with your time and money.


So, are massage chairs good? That's actually a pretty vague question because each person is different. The key to buying a massage chair is choosing the right one for you, and the way to do that is learn about the features or reach out to us for advice and maybe a recommendation.

The long list of benefits just described should outweigh the costs and make the purchase worth it for many. The cost of a massage chair also offers insight into its value because of its ability, with all of its features and technology, to help improve your level of comfort and, ultimately, your quality of life.

Evaluating the pain and discomfort you experience throughout the year can also allow you to determine how beneficial a massage chair can be for your health. Ask yourself how likely you are to use the chair—will it be once a day or once a week?

Each person's physical needs vary, depending on any injuries they've suffered or any acute pain they experience from time to time. Knowing how much you're likely to use the chair will allow you to determine if it's worth the cost rather than visiting a professional on a regular basis.

It's also important to keep in mind that not all massage chairs are equal. Each model and brand vary with the available features, the design, the size and the comfort level. It's important to do your research to ensure you find something that is specific to what you need.

You'll generally feel better with a product that will target the areas you need relief in and can work well for your long-term needs to ensure you get plenty of use out of it.

We mentioned this previously, but if you or anyone else that would be using the massage chair has pre-existing medical conditions you would want to get a doctors approval before using any massage chair.

If you have any questions we're happy to help. Feel free to give us a call at (800) 566-2798. Thank you for reading!


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